Within my blog I talk about what cyberbullying is and what it does. However, some of my classmates made a couple of other interesting and incredible blogs related to media and society. I really enjoy reading them and if you are interested to learn about it, below are the links to it. Check them out! 1. https://mediaeffects724151893.wordpress.com/ Within the blog, Jeremy Haley talk about the impact multimedia consumption has on children. He goes into the effect that the new generation is facing due to be constantly on their phones and he also provides is point of view on how things should be change and in what ways. If you interest to learn more about it, don’t hesitate to click on the link. 2. https://dangersofaugmentedreality.blogspot.com/ Sven van de Voorde blog talks about the pros and cons of augmented reality and what are some of the negative effects from using it. Furthermore, he also discus...